Saturday, December 27, 2014

叶文锋 ye wen feng






Brother Ye Wen Feng:

        What is a faith? Many born in the 80's, 90's think that people from the 21st century don't need these religious myths. In all reality, faith isn't about myths or legends, it's about purifying your heart, improving your nature, learning morals and integrity, restraining yourself, and perfecting yourself. The Bible isn't just the word of God, it is also a voice of warning, telling us what is and isn't right.

        Life is full of decisions you have to make, what you're going to do, what you're going to eat, but oftentimes after you make decisions you start to regret what you did, so we need to pay the price for the mistakes we make.

        The year 2012 brought change to my life, it was also the year that made me have a new faith-filled perspective on life. Coming to America in 2008 started a new life for me. In such an unfamiliar place, with such a different language, living life like a robot, my only conviction was to work more diligently to improve my life. I didn't know what my path in front of me was, or even how to walk it, I had no faith for my future,

        Then, a friend appeared and changed everything. He brought me to church. At the time I thought that since working made me so tired there was no way going to church was going to make me happier than going home and sleeping, let alone the fact that I had no time for church, and then, when I went I had no idea what was going on. But, nevertheless, because of my friend's continual persuasion did I join a church for the first time (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). The feeling that joining the church gave me is one that I couldn't describe, I just felt happy. Later, I came to understand that church was just a big family, and that feeling I had was love. I learned a lot through going to church, and I found self-confidence. When you have faith in yourself everything will become much more simple. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

圣诞节/ Christmas


 在圣诞节里,我们对基督的出生有很多很多的联想:一个婴孩安睡在一个简陋的马槽里。但我们并不只是庆祝一群脏脏的牧羊人拿着小绵羊团团围着小耶稣出生在马厩而已。祂的出生并不是我们挚爱的基督一生中登峰造极的首要事件- 而是34年以后。祂在以后所作的单一行为永远改变了世界:赎罪。当我们在前生与神同住时,一个计划被提议出来。一个容许我们抵达地球,获得身体和经验,并带我们回去天父身边的计划。我们需要一块关键的拼图才能容许我们打道回府:一位救主。一位愿意带走我们的一切悲伤、愧疚、痛苦,并为我们打开大门的救主。为我们赎罪。

“我們最大的希望:贖罪. 2001年,十月份總會大會中的一个演讲.”




We think a lot about Christ's birth during Christmas: a small baby laid in a humble manger. But we don't celebrate Christ just for being born in a stable surrounded by dirty men holding lambs. His birth wasn't the crowning event of our dear Christ's life - that came 34 years later. He performed an act so marvelous that it would change the world forever: the Atonement. 
When we all lived with God before this life, a plan was presented. A plan that would allow us to go to earth, gain experience and a body, and take us back to our Heavenly Father. We just needed one key piece to make it back: a savior. Someone who would take everything - our grief, our guilt, our pain - and open the door. Atone for us.

We know the story of the atonement. Jesus Christ took our sins, paid the punishment for them, felt the pains of every soul who lived, lives, and would ever live, died for us, and finally resurrected. But why? Because He loves us. Everything He did, He did for us. He wants to see us return to Him and Heavenly Father, "to become one with Him, to be in His divine presence, to be called individually by name as He warmly welcomes us home with a radiant smile, beckoning us with open arms to be enfolded in His boundless love." 

So you can probably imagine the excitement in heaven when Jesus was about to be born. Our Savior! Our older brother was about to go to Earth, open that door and give us hope that we could return to Heavenly Father and rest. I imagine there was quite the buzz. Like a six year on the drive to Disneyland, times 1,000. 

Then Jesus Christ was born. And oh how we sang, we praised His name, we couldn't hold it back! This was it! There He lay, in His loving mother's arms. Our Redeemer. This is why we celebrate Christmas, because we celebrate Christ. 

This Christmas remember the Gift that was given, Jesus Christ. The greatest gift ever! Discover the Gift, Embrace the Gift, and Share the Gift. Then drink some hot chocolate, crunch some candy canes, put reindeer horns on your dog, then eat pie until it comes out of your ears. Hey! It's Christmas! The happiest holiday of all! 

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Power of music 音乐的力量.

The Power of Music.




     Imagine: looking towards the front of a chapel and seeing many little children, anxiously waiting in their chairs. Excitement and fear rush through their bodies. The sacrament has already been passed to each member of the congregation. The Bishop has just concluded the wards announcements. Now every child has their eyes on the conductor. Music fills the air. The quality of the music is amateur at best, and yet it doesn't matter. The little children sing with all their hearts. "I am a child of God, and He has sent me here." The purest of testimonies are shared through sweet and simple song.

As the sound waves interlock they create music. Music can create atmospheres of serenity, excitement, motivation, and even fear. There is great power in music. The combining of words and melodies create emotions that can change a persons heart. There is no coincidence that our Heavenly Father invites us to worship through song. "For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads" (Doctrine andCovenants 25:12).

Music, if we choose to let it, can change our hearts. The more we listen to inspiring music, the stronger our desire will be to become better people. Difficult trials become easier. Unanswered questions turn to strong convictions. When we listen to the words in hymns, we develop stronger convictions and come closer to our Heavenly Father. We are then able to recognize the spirit in our lives more abundantly. When we listen to the Spirit we begin to change our very nature, and our heart turns toward God.

During this Christmas season, let us turn our hearts to the Savior. As we listen to the Christmas songs that remind us of family and friends, remember the heavenly relationship we have with our Heavenly Father.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Family Home Evening 家人家庭晚会

Family Home Evening

为什么你会开家人家庭晚会呢? 每周你跟你的家人聚在一起都获得什么?我们教会的先知和领袖劝告我们要在每周一的晚上跟我们的家人一起学习福音并培养团结。李察司考德长老教导我们 “在家人家庭晚會中共度時光比進行流程更重要。教導福音。。。家人家庭晚會是一段寶貴的時光,可以在安全的環境中分享見證;學習有關教導、作計畫、組織規劃的技巧;鞏固家庭關係;培養家庭傳統;彼此交談;而更重要的是,可以一起度過一段精彩的時光!”
Why do we hold family home evening? What is there to gained by meeting weekly with your family? The prophets and leaders of our church have counseled us to come together each week on Monday night as a family and spend time with each other learning the gospel and developing unity. Elder Richard G. Scott taught that "The structure of your evening is not as important as the time invested.... Family home evening is a precious time to bear testimony in a safe environment; to learn teaching, planning, and organizational skills; to strengthen family bonds; to develop family traditions; to talk to each other; and more important, to have a marvelous time!”

「千里之行,始于足下」在年轻单身成员代表齐晓东、黃凱主教和傳教士的共同策划下,唐人街支会的家人家庭晚会于2014年11月份开始并于每周一继续举行。参加者虽来自不同的地方、有不同的职业、有不同的文化背景,但我们都有一个共同点- 我们都有一位慈爱的天父和我们都是弟兄姐妹和家人。我们邀请你来参加家人家庭晚会,来学习神的福音和感受家人的温暖。
"A journey of a thousand mile starts with a single step"
Under the preparation and planning of the Ward YSA representative Brother Qi Xiao Dong, Bishop Huang Kai, and the missionaries, the FHE of the Chinatown Ward started in November, 2014. Those who attend FHE come from different places, have different professions, and even have different cultural backgrounds. But, we all have one thing in common - we have a loving Heavenly Father and we are all brothers and sisters. We welcome you to our Family Home Evening, to learn the gospel, and to feel the love of the family.

FHE includes:

Spiritual message


7:00pm, Every Monday
 Location: 41 Elizabeth street, 4th floor
  We welcome all of those that would like to come!
时间:每周一 7:00pm

*attendees please bring shareable food

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

McConkie's Letter.

As president of the Chinatown branch, and later bishop, Bishop McConkie has come to love this ward. Sadly, after time the winds of change took him and his family in another direction. Recently as the Anniversary of the Chinatown branch becoming a ward he took some time to write down his testimony and love for all of those he served. 




非常榮幸能在您們當中服務了美好的四年,從您們的榜樣和付出,我學到了許多關於謙卑和信心的道理。今年,我的家庭有了許多的變化 -- 新的家、新的一州、以及新的工作機會。在這個變化無常的世界裡,知道我們可以將自己碇錨於 耶穌基督的福音上,總會令人感到欣慰。


「所以,相信的,可以確定​​希望,希望一個更好世界,的,右邊地方;希望信心來,成為人類靈魂​​錨,使他們堅定穩固,一直​​好事,引導他們​​榮耀神。」(以帖 12:4 )

神的福音和祂對我們的愛是持久且堅定不移的。我知道對許多的你們而言,生活有多艱難 -- 漫長的工作時數,獨自在異國打拼,再加上親人又都不在身邊。然而,只要您願意,神就是您的家人,會永遠在您的身邊。

佳節己近,我知道你們許多都是成長於不注重聖誕節傳統的國, 國和其他以基督教為主的國家,十二月份是一個非常特別的時刻,因為我們可以藉著這個機會,思考 神子之誕生、衪的生命、衪的使命、以及祂如何為我們犧牲而死 。我希望在此十二月份, 也許您可以找到為他人著想和為他人服務的方法,甚至是能找到時間為支會裡的成員服務 -- 為生病和有需要的人祈禱、與那些需要關愛和支持的人做朋友、以及為他人付出時間和精力。簡單來說,您可以每天仿效世界的救主, 去做祂會做的,那就是 -- 神和愛人如己。

我要你們都知道,我有多麼感激那段能在您們當中服務的時間,那將永遠是我生命中的珍寶之一。我們都己承諾 -- 我們將忠信並且會持守到底,我們有責任和義務去遵守與神所立的聖約。預祝大家佳節愉快、健康,請記得,你們常在我的禱告中。

麥宇集  敬上

Dear Members of the Chinatown Ward,
I can’t believe it has been two years since we all became a ward, and it has been almost a year since I moved out of New York City and Bishop Huang was called to be Bishop. I wanted to write a letter to you all and tell you all how very much I miss and love you.

It was such a privilege to serve among you for 4 wonderful years. I learned a lot about humility and faith from your examples and commitment. This year has brought a lot of change for my family – a new home, new state, new employment opportunities. It is always reassuring to know that in the face of constant change and even uncertainty in the world, that we can anchor ourselves with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I have often been amazed that no matter where I am in the world, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints feels like a home to me. Still, with life comes the inevitable ups and downs of mortality. I am reminded of scripture in the Book of Mormon that speaks of navigating our mortal trials by anchoring our faith in Christ - “Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God.”    (Ether 12:4)

His gospel and the love that our Savior has for us is constant and unwavering. I know how very difficult many of your lives are – work is long, you are living in a foreign land, and family may be very far away. God is your family and he will always be near you if you allow Him. 

We are entering the Christmas season. I know that for many of you, you did not grow up with and traditions or focus on Christmas in your native China. In America and other Christian dominated countries, the month of December is a very special time because we have the opportunity to reflect upon the birth of the Son of God, and his life, mission and death on behalf of every one of us. I hope that in December, perhaps you can find a way to think about others and serve them – maybe even find time to serve the members of your ward. You can serve them by praying for the sick, the needy, or by befriending those that need love and support, or by spending time and energy on behalf of others. In short, you can do the things the Savior of the world did on a daily basis – you can love God and love man.   

I want you all to know how very grateful I will always be for the time that I spent among you. It will always be one of the treasures of my life. We have all made promises to God that we will be faithful and endure to the end. It is the obligation of all of us to make sure we honor that covenant and promise. I hope you have a healthy and happy holiday season, and remember that you are often in my prayers.  

Merry Christmas,
Matthew McConkie

Saturday, December 6, 2014

He is the Gift 他是神的礼物

                                 He is the Gift.
    I entered the city, not knowing where we would spend the night. I guided the donkey, who carried my wife on his back. My wife was with child; she was due any day now. We had no home here in this new city, the city called Bethlehem. We finally found an inn. I thought we were safe for the night. But then the innkeeper said there was no room for us, that his inn was completely full. He turned us away. We began our search again. We were desperate for somewhere to stay. I knew that Mary was tired. I had to find a place for her and the baby to rest soon. I just had to.

  不知可以在哪裡留宿的我,進入了一座大城市。我那身懷六甲的妻子坐在我手上正牽著的一頭驢子上。她臨盤的日子已經到了,但我們在這新的城市裡連一個家都沒 有。伯利恆--是這城市的名字。我們找到一個客店,我以為我們可以在那裡過夜,但那客店主人說他們客滿了。他不讓我們進去,所以我們又再次上路,尋找另一 間客店。我們真的很需要落腳的地方,因為我知道馬利亞累了,我必須找一個地方給她和小寶寶休息。這是我的責任。

   We tried two more inns, and both were full of people. There was no room for us. I thought that all hope was lost, until the innkeeper of the third inn gave us another offer. He did not have room for us inside the inn, but there was shelter and warmth for us in the stable. We were desperate for a place to stay, so we humbly accepted his offer. We felt blessed by God to have found somewhere to stay for the night.


   The innkeeper led us to the stable, and provided us with extra straw, blankets, and a place for our donkey. We thanked him for his kindness and settled in for the night. Mary gave birth that night, to the son of God. As the angel had instructed, who had visited Mary months before, we called him Jesus Christ. Mary wrapped baby Jesus in swaddling clothes, and lied him in a nearby manger. He slept warmly, safely and soundly with the animals that took us in for the night. As Mary rested, I noticed a bright star above the stable, almost like a bright sign of Jesus' birth. Not long after I noticed the star, a group of humble shepherds visited us at the stable, to worship the Son of God.

  那 客店主人帶我們到馬槽,並給了我們額外的稻草和毯子。我們感謝他對我們的仁慈並為我們所做的一切後,便安頓下來。當晚,馬利亞生下了一個小男孩。像天使在 多月前向馬利亞預言一樣, 她誕下了神的兒子。我們給他命名為耶穌基督。馬利亞用布裹著耶穌,並把他安放在食槽上。雖然我們被不同的動物包圍著,但耶穌睡得很甜。當馬利亞休息時,我 注意到馬槽上出現了一顆很光亮的星星,就好像是耶穌誕生的徵兆。過了不久後,我看見一群牧羊人來到馬槽拜訪我們,來崇拜神的兒子。

   As I watched the precious nativity of baby Jesus, I came to a knowledge of the truth. This baby was a gift to the world from God. This baby, Jesus Christ, would grow up to be the Savior of the world. Through Him, we would all one day be saved and be able to return to God's presence.


   In present day Chinatown, New York City, there are few people who know the story of Jesus Christ's birth. To help them better understand the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ we have written this blog post. In order to share the gospel with them, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints shares a video entitled, "He is the Gift." The video can be found at . The real meaning of Christmas isn't about bustling about for shopping, decorating, and attending holiday festivities. The holiday season, Christmas, is about Jesus Christ.

                                                        Have a merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Ward anniversary 两周年

Two year anniversary!

2012年12 月2日 唐人街支會支会成立日

   今 天标志了纽约唐人街支会的一个非常特别的日子。今天是唐人街中文分会演变成为中文支会两周年纪念日!这成果得来绝对不容易- 一切都是从一个小小的分会发芽、成长。这小小的
中文小組随着越来越多的华裔接受耶稣基督的福音逐渐茁壮成长。我们邀请你看一看本支会的历史、以前所面对的困 难、和它怎样从一个渺小的中文小組演变成支会,最后享受丰盛的成果。

     Today marks a very special day for the Chinatown ward here in New York! Two years ago today the Chinatown branch became a ward! That wasn't an easy process though, many, many years ago this tiny branch was started. As more and more Chinese people accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ the branch slowly grew. Take a look at what it took for this humble branch to become a ward and some of the trials that came along with it.

     大約 1999年夏天之前,當時的紐約 紐約支聯會會長白耀明 ( Brent J. Belnap ) 弟兄,向紐約紐約北區傳道部羅納德 ( Ronald Rasband ) 會長提出了在曼哈頓人社區裡開始傳道事工的想法。直到同年九月,新任傳道部會長 Noel Stoner 弟兄上任, 前任支聯會會長 John Stone 和來自舊金山長老 ( Alfred Lee ) 隨即開始接受訓練,並進行街頭接觸。

   最初只有 Stone 會長、姐妹、一對傳教士同伴團和一、兩位慕道友,參與曼哈頓二支會的聖餐聚會和獨立課程。不久之後,曼哈頓二支分為第二支會和第五支會,文小組因地域的緣故, 隨即改與曼哈頓第五支會一同聚會。Danny Ferguson 弟兄被召喚為支聯會傳教士,成為當時第一位正式的文小組領袖。藉著所有傳教士的努力,從第一位因街頭接觸而願意到教會來聚會的陳奮松弟兄之後,漸漸地有更多的歸信者陸續加入教會。
   文小組開始在曼哈頓百老匯大道 4O1 號的一個小辦公室房間內舉行安息日聚會,當時大約有十名成員。 2001年一月,潘國輝 ( Ned Butikofer ) 弟兄被召喚為當時的文小組領袖,他隨即也召喚咨理、以及慈助會、長老定額組和文小組的傳道領袖。  2002年三月,堅尼街() 分會正式成立,潘國輝弟兄成為分會第一位會長。
   分會相繼舉行首度的分會大會和波士頓聖殿之旅,但隨後因傳教士返鄉和語言的問題,自 2002 年底起,分會面臨了許多的挑戰。雖然當時參與聚會的成員減少,但因為有良好的領袖們致力於分會的成長,分會反而變得比以前更加謙卑、更有信心,部分睽違己久的成員再度出現。 在長久的等待之後,2004 年三月十二日,堅尼街分會的成員在靈性上已有了更好的準備。 分會正式開始在曼哈頓伊莉莎白41號四樓聚會,教堂並於六月廿六日由紐約紐約支聯會白耀明會長正式奉獻,當時分會有45名成員。


    會長御免之後,麥宇集 (  Matthew B. McConkie  ) 弟兄在2010年三月至2014年一月將近四年期間,被召喚成為分會的第二任會長。雖然當時己有成立其他的輔助組織,但分會裡並沒有正式的初級會。會長於是在2012年七月召喚姐妹 (Aimee Brower Hsieh) 為分會初級會會長。後來,家庭舉家遷至州之後,姐妹 (Heather Rosenbaum )接著被召喚成為分會初級會會長,在兩位美好的前任和現任的姐妹( Hannah Teichert Belnap) 所帶領的初級會會長團和其他歷任同工們的不斷努力之下,目前的初級會,己經從當初不經常來的一名兒童,增加至每週約有十至十五名小朋友來參加安息日的聚會。


神真實的福音會感動世上誠實者的心。神的事工不會落敗,福音在 救主耶穌基督第二次來臨之前,會傳遍世上的每個角落。有一天,福音也會如同烈火燃燒一般,傳遍整個國土地!

Canal Street (Chinese) Branch History

By Ned Butikofer

       In the summer of 1999, President Brent Belnap approached Ronald Rasband, president of the New York, New York North Mission, with the idea of doing missionary work within the Chinese communities of Manhattan. President Rasband liked the idea and immediately requested Chinese-speaking missionaries from the Missionary Department. No missionaries were called, however, until September after President Noel Stoker replaced President Rasband. At the request of President Stoker, former Stake President John Stone and Elder Alfred Lee, from San Francisco, began tracting and street contacting in Chinatown. Brother Chen Fen Song was the first person in the Chinese community to accept a meeting. Soon after, other missionaries were called and a hand full of people became converts. As the missionaries’ efforts bore fruit, the Chinese group began to meet as part of the Manhattan Second Ward and then, after the ward divided, as part of the Manhattan Fifth Ward.

      Ronald T. Nelson, a member of the stake high council at the time, was asked to coordinate all matters for the stake concerning the Chinese-speaking group that was set up to meet with Manhattan 2nd Ward. Not long after, Danny Ferguson, called as a stake missionary, became the first official group leader. The Chinese group separated from Manhattan Fifth Ward and began to hold independent Sunday worship services at a office suite at 401 Broadway with approximately 10 members.

      In January 2001, Ned Butikofer was called to be the group leader. Subsequently, he called Brother Kang Chen as his assistant, a member of just over a year. Others who were called included Jenny Hsu as Relief Society leader, John Thomas Slover as mission leader, and Tony Yang as elders quorum leader. The group held picnics in Central Park, celebrated Chinese New Year, and sponsored Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners and Relief Society enrichment meetings.

      In February 2002, permission to form a branch was granted by the First Presidency, and on March 31, 2002, the Canal Street (Chinese) Branch was organized, with Ned Butikofer as branch president, Wong Hoi Man (Kevin) and Chen Fen Song as counselors, Lee Kun Huai (Jimmy) as branch clerk, Brett Helquist as elders quorum liaison, John Thomas Slover (Xiong) as branch mission leader, Franklin Chow as Young Men president, Lee Shui Lin as Relief Society president, and Jenny Hsu Primary president. Nancy Yam was later called as the Young Women president.

     In April 2002, a new property for a meetinghouse was located at 41 Elizabeth Street, and in February 2003, the Church signed a lease. Unfortunately, zoning problems delayed the actual move in.

     June 9, 2002, was the day of our first branch conference. At last we were a functioning branch with a Relief Society, Primary, Young Men and Young Women programs, and an active priesthood quorum.

     In November 2002, Jerry Hsieh, from California, was sustained as our first Elders Quorum President. John Slover was released as mission leader and sustained to serve as the Elders Quorum First Counselor.

     On June 22, 2002, the branch had its first temple trip to do baptisms for the dead. Fourteen members took the long trip to Boston, returning very late in the evening. This happy experience was followed by substantial challenges. The original missionaries had left, and a period of change began. At one point, there were only two elders, neither with a firm grasp of the language. The little branch faltered. By the end of 2002 attendance had dropped substantially. For a long time, the missionaries had no investigators. Baptisms were at a low point.

     The bright spot in all the gloom was the faith of a few members. Weekly temple preparation classes led by Tim Davis kept the branch alive. They were held from February to August 2003. Out of the five who attended, two were endowed. On July 31, 2003, Sister Tam Choi Yuet and Brother Chen Fen Song went to the Boston Temple.

     By 2004 our situation had improved dramatically. We were a smaller and humbler branch, but a much more confident branch. We had great leaders who were dedicated to the growth of the branch. We began to see members we haven’t seen in a while. We were more spiritually ready to move into our new meetinghouse. On March 12, 2004, after a wait that seemed eternal, we moved into our new home at 41 Elizabeth Street and on June 26th, 2004, a dedication was held with President Belnap offering the dedicatory prayer. We now have a membership of 45 and tremendous support from mission president Nelson Boren. He is sending us the very best missionaries. We are confident that many of the Chinese people in New York City will accept the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    The year 2005 has been a time of great growth for the Canal Street Branch.  Continuing from the trend that brought the need for a new meeting space in 2004, average church attendance has now reached 55 to 60.  With an average of two baptisms per month, the Canal Street Branch—commonly called the Chinese Branch—is now one of the fastest growing units in the New York, NY Stake.  There are now over 50 members who regularly come to church, with a steady flow of investigators in attendance on any given Sunday.

    Ned Butikofer was released as branch president in 2010, in March of that year Matthew B. McConkie was call to be the 2nd Branch President of the Manhattan Chinatown branch. While he was serving as Branch President he first called Sister Aimee B. Hsieh as primary president. After a time of faithful service the Hsieh family moved to Massachusetts. The calling of primary president was given to Sister Heather Rosenbaum who accepted and magnified her calling with honor until she was released. The calling was then accepted by Hannah T. Belnap who serves faithfully in this calling to this day. Because of the hard work of these three wonderful primary presidents and the help of their councillors, the primary program has increased form one irregularly attending young boy to a weekly group of ten to fifteen young children.   

    Such growth might be explained in part by the streak of stellar missionaries given stewardship of any investigators who speak Mandarin in Manhattan. Their proselytizing efforts are devoted almost entirely to street contacting in Chinatown.

    The new location may also be a contributing factor to the branch’s increasing numbers. In June 2004, the Branch moved to its present location at 41 Elizabeth Street. In the heart of Chinatown, this new meeting place is far more attractive than its predecessor, an office converted into a makeshift chapel. The new space accommodates more people for Sacrament meeting, and allows for division into classrooms for Sunday School, Relief Society, and Priesthood. Each week the new chapel is regularly filled to capacity, which leads to speculation of how soon expansion will become necessary.

    But along with growth come challenges, the first and foremost being the transient nature of the congregation. As Chinatown is a hub for immigrants hoping to find employment in the United States, work opportunities in other states make New York only a stopping point for many who join the Church. That is why providing its members with a strong foundation in the Gospel has become a priority for branch leadership.

     Like the majority of Chinese immigrants in New York City, most of the converts who attend the Canal Street Branch are from the Chinese province Fujian. This does not ensure that everyone understands one another, as regional dialects and cultural differences vary even from town to town within the same province. Several members are not even from China. As Taiwanese native and current Relief Society President Catherine Wang puts it, “Just because everyone speaks Mandarin doesn’t mean everyone’s speaking the same language.” Factor in the additional obstacle of adjusting to Church culture, and the learning curve can seem quite steep. 

Despite the challenges, the church continues to gain momentum in Chinatown. Many members have sincere desires to learn and serve, making cultural barriers become less significant. As long as testimonies grow stronger and if more members remain in New York, Church establishment in Chinatown will continue to prosper.

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