Wednesday, October 29, 2014

每周灵性分享: 圣餐 The Sacrament!!!


     Have you ever wondered what is Sacrament or why do we partake of the sacrament? In The Church is Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The sacrament, "provides an opportunity for you to remember with gratitude the life, ministry, and Atonement of the Son of God." Moreover, The Bible states that as Jesus was eating with his Disciples, "and as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave
it to the disciples, and said, take, eat; this is my body...For this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." ( Matthew 26:26-28).
      As Christ taught, we meet together as church members and families to partake of the sacrament. We know as we do this and if we strive to repent, the Lord will forgive us for our sins. As we partake of the bread, we remember Christ's body and His crucifixion. When we drink from our cup of water, we remember the blood that He shed for us in the Garden of Gethsemane. We hope that during Sacrament Meeting, everyone would have a spirit of reverence and a desire to grow closer to God. When we worthily partake of the sacrament, we renew the covenant or promise we made with God as we were baptized, to always remember His son Jesus Christ and to keep His commandments.  We invite everyone to prepare throughout the week for their Sunday worship. Also, we promise that as you do these things, you will be able to, "always have His spirit," with you!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

灵性信息: 信心的祈祷 The prayer of faith

   大概10年前, 我加入了耶稣基督后期圣徒教会。那个时候我15岁。从加入教会到现在,我觉得我在教会中学习到的最有用的知识就是如何祈祷。通过祈祷,我深深的感受到了天父对我的爱。我相信,只要我们学会用信心去祈祷,那我们在生活中就可以得到更多来自于神,我们的天父的帮助。但是什幺样的祈祷才是应用了信心的祈祷呢?首先我们要明白几件事。


   在最近一期的总会会长团信息中,亨利艾宁会长说:“祷告不只是我们对神说出的一些话而已,祷告是神和他的儿女之间的双向沟通。”司考德李察长老也教导我们说:“祷告是天父赐给每个人的天上恩赐……因为祂知道我们亟需祂的指引。” 从这些宝贵的教导中我们可以知道,祷告是神所赐给我们的一个祝福,因为这个祝福,我们才可以在生活中得到指导和平安。






1.善用来自天上的恩赐──祈祷   司考德李察长老,2007年4月总会大会


2.信心的祈祷                  亨利艾宁会长,2014年4月利阿贺拿


About 10 years ago, I joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I was 15 years old at that time. Since I joined the church, the most powerful knowledge I have learned from the church is how to pray. Through prayers I can always feel the love from my Heavenly Father deeply. I believe if we can learn how to pray with faith we can receive more blessings and help from God, our Heavenly Father, in our lives. If that is the case how can we pray with faith? We need to understand these 3 points first:

1.      What does praying mean to us?

In the last first presidency message, President Henry B. Eyring said: “Prayer is more than words we speak to

God. It is a two-way communication between God and His children.” Elder Richard G. Scott also taught: Prayer is a supernal gift of our Father in Heaven to every soul…… because He knows how desperately we need His guidance.” From those priceless teachings, we can understand that prayer is a gift and a blessing that Heavenly Father gives us for our salvation. Because of this gift, we can receive guidance and peace in our lives.

2.      Can our prayers be answered?

The answer of this question is yes. Just like what President Eyring said, prayer is a kind of “two-way

communication”. Because it is a two-way communication Heavenly Father will listen and answer our prayers. There are many ways that He can answer our prayers. Answering prayers through the Holy Ghost is one of these way. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, counseled us in D&C Chapter 8: “I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart.”

3.      What kind of attitude should we have while we are praying?

in the Book of Mormon a prophet, named Moroni, himself invited us to “ask with a sincere heart, with real intent”. What does it mean to have sincere heart and real intent? Elder Dallin H.Oaks Explained it very well. He said: “The promise of Moroni is for those who are committed in their hearts to act upon the manifestation if it is received.” We need make a decision in our heart that whatever the answer might be, we will use all we have to act upon the answer we received.

In conclusion, if we can understand those points better, then we will be able to pray with faith. Then we can better use the gift that Heavenly Father has given us. We can receive more blessings out of it!

For everyone to improve their prayers, we invite you to read those two articles by the leaders of the church:

1. Using the Supernal Gift of Prayer        Elder Richard G. Scott, Oct. 2007General Conference

2. ThePrayer of Faith          PresidentHenry B. Eyring, Oct. 2014 Liahona

    Brothers and Sisters, how do YOU improve your prayers???



Tuesday, October 21, 2014

邱成明弟兄 Brother Qiu Cheng Ming

    我很高兴能成为唐人街支会的一员,这里是个能带给我快乐的家庭.我第一次接触到基督教是从一本圣经上学习到的. 当时,我读完圣经后感受到耶稣基督是一个很伟大的人,因为他用福音影响着我们的生活. 之后,我来到了耶稣基督后期圣徒教会, 接受到长老们的教导, 让我更加崇拜, 尊敬和爱我们的神. 圣经中的一句话: “凡仰望耶和华的人, 当壮胆, 坚固你的心.” 帮助我战胜了生活中的很多困难. 当我持续的祈祷后,我的内心感受到了来自于神的祝福, 生活也有了变化. 我非常感谢耶稣基督, 还有我们的天父. 从福音中, 我深深的感受到了主对我的爱. 感谢我的神.

I am glad to be called a member of the Chinatown Ward. This ward is a family that has brought happiness into my life. I first learned about Christianity from a copy of the Bible. After I read the Bible, I felt Jesus Christ was a great person, because He influences all of our lives with His gospel. Then, I came to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I learned about the gospel from the Elders, I came to love and respect our lord more. There is a sentence in the Bible said: “Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.” This scripture has helped me overcome many challenges in my life. When I continually pray, I feel the blessing of God in my heart. my life has been changed immensely from what I have learned. I am grateful for the opportunity to come to know Jesus Christ, and Heavenly Father. This gospel has helped me to more deeply understand the love the Lord has for me. I am very grateful to my lord for what he has done for me. 

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