Tuesday, October 21, 2014

邱成明弟兄 Brother Qiu Cheng Ming

    我很高兴能成为唐人街支会的一员,这里是个能带给我快乐的家庭.我第一次接触到基督教是从一本圣经上学习到的. 当时,我读完圣经后感受到耶稣基督是一个很伟大的人,因为他用福音影响着我们的生活. 之后,我来到了耶稣基督后期圣徒教会, 接受到长老们的教导, 让我更加崇拜, 尊敬和爱我们的神. 圣经中的一句话: “凡仰望耶和华的人, 当壮胆, 坚固你的心.” 帮助我战胜了生活中的很多困难. 当我持续的祈祷后,我的内心感受到了来自于神的祝福, 生活也有了变化. 我非常感谢耶稣基督, 还有我们的天父. 从福音中, 我深深的感受到了主对我的爱. 感谢我的神.

I am glad to be called a member of the Chinatown Ward. This ward is a family that has brought happiness into my life. I first learned about Christianity from a copy of the Bible. After I read the Bible, I felt Jesus Christ was a great person, because He influences all of our lives with His gospel. Then, I came to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I learned about the gospel from the Elders, I came to love and respect our lord more. There is a sentence in the Bible said: “Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord.” This scripture has helped me overcome many challenges in my life. When I continually pray, I feel the blessing of God in my heart. my life has been changed immensely from what I have learned. I am grateful for the opportunity to come to know Jesus Christ, and Heavenly Father. This gospel has helped me to more deeply understand the love the Lord has for me. I am very grateful to my lord for what he has done for me. 

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