Friday, April 18, 2014

齊曉東弟兄 Brother Xiao Dong Qi






歸信不是簡單的說一說,想一想的事。歸信是必須要做到身心合一的事。我們必須服從神的話語。持守誡命。規則和法律能確保我們獲得人身安全。同樣地,主提供了準則和誡命以確保我們得到靈性安全,使我們能在這危險萬分的塵世旅途上走得穩健,最終得以回到天父身邊。「凡遵守衪誡命的,就獲得真理和光,直到他在真理中得榮耀,並且知道萬事。」(教義和聖約93:28) ​所以,切勿屈服於撒旦的誘惑,反而要堅守真理。不斷在感官刺激和邪惡中尋歡作樂並不能解決靈魂中未獲滿足的渴求。邪惡絕不能帶來美德。憎恨絕不會使愛增長。懦弱絕不會產生勇氣。懷疑絕不會激發信心。所以我歸信。我願意持守到底。


I am a member of the Church of Jesus a christ of Latter-day Saints. I was baptized on March 23rd, 2014. On March 30th, 2014, one of the missionaries, Sister Astle, told me about "The Chinatown Story" blog. and hoped that I could share with everyone my own conversion story. At the time I knew I should write a blog post to share with everyone, but I didn't know how I should write it. On April 6th, 2014, Elder Murray and a Elder Blonquist reminded me again about writing the blog post. I told them, "Conversion is something that comes from your heart, I don't know how to share with everyone exactly how I feel. So I don't know how to write this blog post." The missionaries replied,"If you don't know how you should write it, then you should ask God for help." Today is April 12th, 2014. As I am writing this blog post, I said a prayer and asked Heavenly Father to give me power, wisdom, and faith to finish my story.

I am from Fujian, Fuzhou in China. On June 18th, 2011, I came to America. At the time I didn't know that our loving Heavenly Father, our Savior Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost existed; furthermore I didn't know that our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints existed. I only knew that coming to America I needed to leave everything from China and start a new life. I had to rely on myself. My life in America has been really good.

In November of 2013, I met the sister missionaries. Under the guidance of the sister missionaries, I immersed myself in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have come to know that Heavenly Father loves us, He let his only beloved son come to the earth to atone for the sins of all mankind and set for us an example to follow. I was no longer facing this world alone. Before baptism I saw a saying that said, "A person's greatest joy comes from always knowing that someone loves you." I know that Heavenly Father loves me. Everyday when I go to work I say a prayer asking Heavenly Father to give me strength, wisdom, faith to finish each day of work, and to return home safely. When I do return home safely, my heart is filled with gratitude because I know that Heavenly Father loves us. I want to share a scripture, " small and simple things are great things brought to pass ..."(Alma 37:6). If a person wants to live an exciting life, they need to develop the ability to have courage to face problems, face disappointments with a joyful heart, and humility as they succeed in life.

I am a son of God, He lives. We are created in His image. If we really understand this principle, we will be able to experience a refreshing feeling of power and ability. "For the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7)

Conversion isn't something simple that you can just talk or think about. Conversion is something that requires both your body and mind. We need to obey the words of God. Keep the commandments. Rules and laws can assure that we will be safe. Likewise, The Lord also provides standards and commandments that assure that we can receive spiritual safety so that we can go through our dangerous journey here on earth so that ultimately we can return back to the presence of our Heavenly Father. "He that keepeth [God’s] commandments receiveth truth and light, until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things." (Doctrine and Covenants 93:28) So, don't succumb to the temptations of Satan, but stick to the the truth. Continually pleasing yourself with evil things and things that merely entertain will not satisfy your spiritual needs. Evil cannot bring about virtue; Hate will not allow love to grow; Doubt will not inspire courage. I am converted and I am willing to endure to the end. I humbly hope that we will enjoy the blessings and promises that we receive. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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