Wednesday, December 24, 2014

圣诞节/ Christmas


 在圣诞节里,我们对基督的出生有很多很多的联想:一个婴孩安睡在一个简陋的马槽里。但我们并不只是庆祝一群脏脏的牧羊人拿着小绵羊团团围着小耶稣出生在马厩而已。祂的出生并不是我们挚爱的基督一生中登峰造极的首要事件- 而是34年以后。祂在以后所作的单一行为永远改变了世界:赎罪。当我们在前生与神同住时,一个计划被提议出来。一个容许我们抵达地球,获得身体和经验,并带我们回去天父身边的计划。我们需要一块关键的拼图才能容许我们打道回府:一位救主。一位愿意带走我们的一切悲伤、愧疚、痛苦,并为我们打开大门的救主。为我们赎罪。

“我們最大的希望:贖罪. 2001年,十月份總會大會中的一个演讲.”




We think a lot about Christ's birth during Christmas: a small baby laid in a humble manger. But we don't celebrate Christ just for being born in a stable surrounded by dirty men holding lambs. His birth wasn't the crowning event of our dear Christ's life - that came 34 years later. He performed an act so marvelous that it would change the world forever: the Atonement. 
When we all lived with God before this life, a plan was presented. A plan that would allow us to go to earth, gain experience and a body, and take us back to our Heavenly Father. We just needed one key piece to make it back: a savior. Someone who would take everything - our grief, our guilt, our pain - and open the door. Atone for us.

We know the story of the atonement. Jesus Christ took our sins, paid the punishment for them, felt the pains of every soul who lived, lives, and would ever live, died for us, and finally resurrected. But why? Because He loves us. Everything He did, He did for us. He wants to see us return to Him and Heavenly Father, "to become one with Him, to be in His divine presence, to be called individually by name as He warmly welcomes us home with a radiant smile, beckoning us with open arms to be enfolded in His boundless love." 

So you can probably imagine the excitement in heaven when Jesus was about to be born. Our Savior! Our older brother was about to go to Earth, open that door and give us hope that we could return to Heavenly Father and rest. I imagine there was quite the buzz. Like a six year on the drive to Disneyland, times 1,000. 

Then Jesus Christ was born. And oh how we sang, we praised His name, we couldn't hold it back! This was it! There He lay, in His loving mother's arms. Our Redeemer. This is why we celebrate Christmas, because we celebrate Christ. 

This Christmas remember the Gift that was given, Jesus Christ. The greatest gift ever! Discover the Gift, Embrace the Gift, and Share the Gift. Then drink some hot chocolate, crunch some candy canes, put reindeer horns on your dog, then eat pie until it comes out of your ears. Hey! It's Christmas! The happiest holiday of all! 

Merry Christmas!

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