Family Home Evening
为什么你会开家人家庭晚会呢? 每周你跟你的家人聚在一起都获得什么?我们教会的先知和领袖劝告我们要在每周一的晚上跟我们的家人一起学习福音并培养团结。李察司考德长老教导我们 “在家人家庭晚會中共度時光比進行流程更重要。教導福音。。。家人家庭晚會是一段寶貴的時光,可以在安全的環境中分享見證;學習有關教導、作計畫、組織規劃的技巧;鞏固家庭關係;培養家庭傳統;彼此交談;而更重要的是,可以一起度過一段精彩的時光!”
Why do we hold family
home evening? What is there to gained by meeting weekly with your family? The
prophets and leaders of our church have counseled us to come together each week
on Monday night as a family and spend time with each other learning the gospel
and developing unity. Elder Richard G. Scott taught that "The structure of
your evening is not as important as the time invested.... Family home evening
is a precious time to bear testimony in a safe environment; to learn teaching,
planning, and organizational skills; to strengthen family bonds; to develop
family traditions; to talk to each other; and more important, to have a
marvelous time!”
「千里之行,始于足下」在年轻单身成员代表齐晓东、黃凱主教和傳教士的共同策划下,唐人街支会的家人家庭晚会于2014年11月份开始并于每周一继续举行。参加者虽来自不同的地方、有不同的职业、有不同的文化背景,但我们都有一个共同点- 我们都有一位慈爱的天父和我们都是弟兄姐妹和家人。我们邀请你来参加家人家庭晚会,来学习神的福音和感受家人的温暖。
journey of a thousand mile starts with a single step"
Under the preparation and planning of the Ward YSA representative Brother Qi Xiao Dong, Bishop Huang Kai, and the missionaries, the FHE of the Chinatown Ward started in November, 2014. Those who attend FHE come from different places, have different professions, and even have different cultural backgrounds. But, we all have one thing in common - we have a loving Heavenly Father and we are all brothers and sisters. We welcome you to our Family Home Evening, to learn the gospel, and to feel the love of the family.
Under the preparation and planning of the Ward YSA representative Brother Qi Xiao Dong, Bishop Huang Kai, and the missionaries, the FHE of the Chinatown Ward started in November, 2014. Those who attend FHE come from different places, have different professions, and even have different cultural backgrounds. But, we all have one thing in common - we have a loving Heavenly Father and we are all brothers and sisters. We welcome you to our Family Home Evening, to learn the gospel, and to feel the love of the family.
Spiritual message 灵性讯息分享 成员(或传教士)预备福音讯息 |
游戏 有益身心的家庭式游戏 |
Food 食物分享 参加者携带分享性的食物给大家分享 |
7:00pm, Every Monday
Location: 41 Elizabeth
street, 4th floor
We welcome all of those that would like to come!
We welcome all of those that would like to come!
*attendees please bring shareable food
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