Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Cavitys of life

This last week our English class was all about going to the dentist office. To help demonstrate what the words cavity and filling were, we used this poor tooth. As you can see he is very sad! We realized as we taught that this tooth is a lot like us! when we have sins; We hurt, we are sad, we feel a need to change. We can't do it on our own however we need a "dentist" to help us. Unlike a dentist, who can only fill the holes, Jesus Christ and his Atonement can make them completely disappear! 

Think to yourself What can you do to start to get rid of your spiritual "cavities"? And what do you need to do to allow the atonement to make your sins "white as snow"?




Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Quick look at the year gone by.

Well, another year as come and gone again. Its time to start anew, get the dust from last year off our shoulders and get a good clean start on the new year ahead. What is a year if you don't remember all of the fun you've had, and all that you were able to accomplish! Before we get to caught up in the future, lets take a look at the past and see what this ward has done, how much it has changed, and the fun that it has had this past year.

一月Jan:                                        二月Feb:                                        三月Mar: 

McConkie family moved          Chinese New Year Festival             Relief Society Anniversary
Huang Kai called as Bishop      Brothers Lin Wei and Lin                慈助会周年记念
                                                Ben Qing was baptized                 齐晓东弟兄受洗
麦主教搬离唐人街                        中国农历新年                         
黄凯弟兄被召唤成新的主教        林威和林本清弟兄受洗                

四月April:                                         五月May:                                              六月Jun: 
General Conference                        Cloisters trip                                      Brothers Li Qiu Hua,
                                                                                                             Gao Jian was baptized
Stake conference                  Jorgensen/ Smock Families moved         李秋华,高剑斌弟兄受洗
Brother Gao Xue Jie                     
was baptized                                   参观大都会博物馆-分馆
总会成员大会                             赵家庭和史家庭搬离唐人街
高学杰弟兄受洗                          潘美钗和谢婷姐妹,杨浩和

 七月July:                                八月Aug:                                               九月Sep
                                       1 Family Sealed in the Temple                Farm Trip
                                       1 Baptism                                              3 Baptisms
                                      一个家庭接受圣殿印证                    支会秋游
                                        陈为鼎弟兄受洗                王萍,张佩芝姐妹和邱城明弟兄受洗

 十月Oct:                                      十一月Nov:                           十二月Dec:General Conference                              Come and See Sunday              Christmas Wreath making
Mid Autumn Festival               Thanksgiving dinner                Elder Perkins visited Chinatown ward
Stake Conference                     Ward Conference                    Primary program
2 Baptism                                1 Baptism                                 1 Baptism
支联会成员大会                    支会开放日                         花环制作活动
 中秋节庆祝活动                   感恩节聚餐               总会七十员潘望博长老探访唐人街
陈燕姐妹和黄程祥弟兄受洗     黎凯彤姐妹受洗             初级会表演


毕长老姐妹返乡 senior missionaries returned home.

Farm Trip 秋游

总会成员大会General Conference

黄主教 在我们感恩节的短剧表演

Thanks Giving 感恩节

家人家庭晚会 Family Home Evening Activity

Wreath making 花环制作活动

Elder Perkins 潘望博长老探访

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The most wonderful time/ 一个美妙的时刻

The most wonderful time: when we are doing all that we can.
By a member:


  我记得在我生日前几天,我那些可爱的同事们,一见到我就会说一句,甚至几句“happy birthday”,而我就一直说“thank you。”真是尴尬。

  到了圣诞节,那天下午四点多,我的一个同事John来上班,看到了我,又开始唱了起来,当时我也是无语了,心想都过了一个多月了,怎么还在说,而我仍旧礼貌性的回复“thank you”(谢谢),当他唱到第二句时候,突然停下来告诉我,“Hey,not for you。”(不是对你),然后他又继续唱,当他唱到第三句时候,“happy birthday to Jesus ”(祝基督生日快乐),当时我愣住了,可没过多久,我依然说了一句“thank you。”(谢谢) 


  我们店里有一个女服务员,叫Amber,我觉得她是我的另一个榜样。每次忙的时候,当她回到厨房,她的嘴巴就会一直说不停,她一直说“I got crazy,I need help,help me,thank Jesus, hallelujah” (哎呀我需要帮助,帮我啊,谢谢基督,哈利路亚) 然后她又走出厨房,回到大厅工作。然后不管多忙,她都会很好的完成她的工作。我知道,她真的是耶稣基督忠实的信赖者,追随者,而耶稣基督也赐给了她祝福,赐给了她能够完成工作的能力。虽然,她不是我们教会的成员,但她也和我们一样,是天父的孩子,天父不会放弃每一个子女。





A few days before Christmas I posted a status on Facebook that asked "what is your favorite Christmas song?" No one ever answered, but I found an answer of my own. My answer to the question is the song "Happy birthday". you might wonder why happy birthday? The answer is because Christmas is the day we celebrate, our Savior, Jesus Christ's birth!

This all came about just before my own birthday a few months previous to Christmas. I live with a couple of my friends and each time my friends would see me before saying anything else they would tell me, or sing, "happy birthday!" Then I would awkwardly reply "thank you."

Months later as it was getting close to Christmas time, one of my friends that worked with me came in to start his shift. As he came in he started singing happy birthday. It had been months sense my birthday, but after the first verse I thanked him awkwardly as normal. He paused for a second and said "hey, it's not for you." Then contunued to sing. When he got to the 3rd verse I understood why he was singing happy birthday, he said, "happy birthday to Jesus....", when he was done all I could say was "thank you".

When I said those two simple words I had this amazing feeling, I felt a warm, peaceful, happy feeling come over me. Later that night when I returned home I thought about the song my friend had song. I though about it for a few seconds and decided he was right. The more I thought about that the more the happiness filled me. I know that if I do little things that will strengthen my faith in Christ such as, remembering what he has done for us, bless his name, or thank him for his matchless love, I will always feel very happy.

There is another story I would like to share:

In our store we have a women that works with us, her name is Amber, she is another amazing example to me! Each time it starts to get busy she will come into the kitchen really quickly and will say "I need help! help me! thank Jesus! Hallelujah!" (Or something similar) then she will return to her post. From then on no matter how busy it got, no matter what the task is, she will work through it until she gets it done. I know she is a loyal follower of Jesus Christ, because of her faith and the trust she puts in Him. Because of her strong faith in Christ she is blessed with extra strength to do what needs to be done. Obviously she is not a member of our church, but she is just like us, a child of God! Heavenly Father loves her just as she loves all of us.

Amber uses a simple method called prayer to combat the trails she faces. It's not perfect and is missing some of the steps but it works for her for now. The sincerity and simplicity of her prayer has always left a deep impression on me. Her example has also given me more strength and happiness.

There are many chances to serve Jesus Christ, as long as we are not afraid to put all of our effort in to it. No amount of effort to the lord is wasted. Even as small as a greeting, or smiling at someone, whenever you do things to serve the lord and your fellow beings you yourself will be blessed and in that moment you will feel the love of God for you and them. That is an amazing moment!

I believe that if we do all we can to believe in Jesus Christ, follow his teachings, and do his work, we will be more continually happy, become more perfect like our savior, and in essence become more like him overall. Because of Jesus Christ, our Heavenly Father can give us the extra help we need to improve ourselves every day. 

These things I say in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Years Resolutions. / 新年的愿望.

New Years Resolutions.

2015年到了! 崭新的机会和经验都会因新的一年随之而来。我们一定不能忘记过去的教训,而且需要从过去的经验中学习、成长。很多人通常都会借着新的一年的到来,实行新年立志。我们设立目标,希望在年底前达成并希望看见一些举足轻重的改变。减去几磅肥肉、读完一本好书、精通一项技能等等,都是常见的一些新年目标-




2015 is here! With the new year comes new opportunities and new experiences. We must not forget the lessons and times of the past, but instead build upon the growth from the year previous. It is a common tradition at the start of every new year for people to make New Years resolutions. We set goals for us to achieve by the end of the year, hoping to see a significant change. Lose a couple of pounds, finish a good book, master a new hobby are all things that people set as their resolutions. It's all for the purpose of improving ourselves.

In President Uchtdorf's talk "Of Regrets and of Resolutions", from the October 2012 General Conference, he invites us to make meaningful resolutions for the new year. He invites us to resolve to spend more time with our loved ones, reach more towards our potential, and let ourselves enjoy more happiness. In addition, and perhaps more importantly, President Uchtdorf adds his heartfelt testimony "that many of the deepest regrets of tomorrow can be prevented by following the Savior today." He continues, "The Savior can wipe away our tears of regret and remove the burden of our sins. His Atonement allows us to leave the past behind and move forward with clean hands, a pure heart, and a determination to do better and especially to become better."

       If we have accepted that the purpose of New Years Resolutions are for our own improvement and progression, then let us all take on President Uchtdorf's invitation to set our sails toward a happier and brighter year, by focusing our resolutions around Christ.

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