Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Years Resolutions. / 新年的愿望.

New Years Resolutions.

2015年到了! 崭新的机会和经验都会因新的一年随之而来。我们一定不能忘记过去的教训,而且需要从过去的经验中学习、成长。很多人通常都会借着新的一年的到来,实行新年立志。我们设立目标,希望在年底前达成并希望看见一些举足轻重的改变。减去几磅肥肉、读完一本好书、精通一项技能等等,都是常见的一些新年目标-




2015 is here! With the new year comes new opportunities and new experiences. We must not forget the lessons and times of the past, but instead build upon the growth from the year previous. It is a common tradition at the start of every new year for people to make New Years resolutions. We set goals for us to achieve by the end of the year, hoping to see a significant change. Lose a couple of pounds, finish a good book, master a new hobby are all things that people set as their resolutions. It's all for the purpose of improving ourselves.

In President Uchtdorf's talk "Of Regrets and of Resolutions", from the October 2012 General Conference, he invites us to make meaningful resolutions for the new year. He invites us to resolve to spend more time with our loved ones, reach more towards our potential, and let ourselves enjoy more happiness. In addition, and perhaps more importantly, President Uchtdorf adds his heartfelt testimony "that many of the deepest regrets of tomorrow can be prevented by following the Savior today." He continues, "The Savior can wipe away our tears of regret and remove the burden of our sins. His Atonement allows us to leave the past behind and move forward with clean hands, a pure heart, and a determination to do better and especially to become better."

       If we have accepted that the purpose of New Years Resolutions are for our own improvement and progression, then let us all take on President Uchtdorf's invitation to set our sails toward a happier and brighter year, by focusing our resolutions around Christ.

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