Saturday, November 1, 2014

高剑斌弟兄 Brother Gao Jianbin




我想和大家分享一段经文,“我会去做主所命令的事,因为我知道,主决不命令人类儿女去做任何事,除非他为他们预备道路,来完成他所命令的事。(尼腓一书3:7 ”经过几个月的学习,长老们也会邀请我和他们一起去教导其他的慕道友。我感觉到很快乐,因为「為人服務,生命就變得更具體實在──我們確實更易於『找到』自己,因為自己還有那麼豐盛的內在可供發掘!」(總會會長的教訓:賓塞.甘,第85頁)。而我更快乐的是,我能够有幸成为天父手中的工具,去做那些天父为我准备好的服务。




      On Feb 6th, 2014, I came to the United States alone, and started my journey in this crazy land. On the 10th, one of my friends brought me to Elizabeth Street, and introduced me to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Originally, I thought church would be a very solemn, serious place, where people can only say extremely polite things. But when I got off from the elevator, I saw an elder, Elder Cook. He said to me, "How are you doing? Welcome to our church." Then he asked me some questions,and got to know me. Since that day happened to be Sunday, I accepted Elder Cook's invitation, went into the
chapel, and joined the Sunday service with other investigators and members. After the meetings, the elders asked for my number. Ever since then, the elders have called me at least once a week. Sometimes I can't come to church, but the elders will still teach me more of the gospel of Jesus Christ through the phone or over the internet to help me to progress in the gospel. For me, I feel so warm in my heart. In America, in Chinatown, the church has been a home to me.

     On June 8th, with the bishop, elders, brothers, and sister witnessing, I got baptized. I became an official member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am honored to have become a part of this big family. After joining the church, I feel like my life has become progressively more colorful and meaningful.

In these last several months, I feel I have been progressing a lot, especially spiritually. One time at work, two of my coworkers went out to smoke after rush hour (smoking is not good, it's in a commandment called "The Word of Wisdom". We shouldn't smoke). They weren't paying attention and locked themselves out. And to add to that, neither of them had their phone. At the same time this was happening, I had to go to the bathroom. And for some reason, I felt like I needed to open the outside door. I didn't know my co-workers were out there and had locked themselves out. My coworkers were really happy and thanked me as we went back to work. I kept thinking about it after it happened. I have no idea about why I would've opened that door, especially at that moment. I don't think it was a simple coincidence. I believe it was a revelation that Heavenly Father gave me for my testimony to grow.

     I want to share a scripture with everyone: "And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them." ( 1 Nephi 3:7 ) After studying the gospel for months, the missionaries asked me to help them teach the gospel to others. I feel so happy about it, because President Spencer W. Kimble taught us:  "We become more substantive as we serve others--indeed, it is easier to 'find' ourselves because there is so much more of us to find!" Something that's made me even happier is that I have this opportunity be a tool in Heavenly Father's hand, to do those things that He has prepared for us to do.

      When I came from China and graduated from high school, I was an Atheist. I had never felt a feeling like this until I came to church in America. And now it's getting stronger and stronger, Heavenly Father has helped me fill something missing in my heart. I feel happier and happier, my life has become better and better.

      So, I testify, God is our Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ is our savior. The Book of Mormon is true, our church -- the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church with the true priesthood authority. Our President Thomas S. Monson is the living prophet who is called by God.

      I say all these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen..

1 comment:

  1. 高劍斌弟兄,你寫得很好,謝謝你的見證。


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