To give thanks is not something we should do only once a year. Thanks giving should be something we keep with us always. Therefore, we decided to do a post today about how we can keep gratitude and thanks giving with us always.
感恩节又来又去的时候会让我们记得我们所有在生活中感到感谢的事。当我们与家人和朋友们在一起的时候我们可以一起享受并庆祝刚过 去一年时间的祝福而且我们会期待明年内的来临。 我们记得并数我们所接受的祝福而且因我们所感到感谢的事而表达感恩。 可是,我们不要把我们的感恩限制成一个季节内的事,反而我们要一年到头都要怀着个感恩之心。 迪特邬希铎会长最近关于这种感恩之心劝告我们 说“ 容我建议,我们要将感恩视为一种性情、一种完全不会受到所处情况影响的生活方式。换句话说,我建议,我们不要“为 事情感恩”,却要专注于“在 各种情况下都心怀感恩”,无论那些情况为何。” 我们希望通过一会儿的时间我们可以帮大家学学习到怎么样才能让我们在任何情况下都心怀感恩。
承认。 我们想要在最早的事开始。我们如何能够拥有这个世上生活的机会呢?我们慈爱的天父派遣我们到这里来让我们学习和成长。 尼腓一书第十七章第三十六节教导我们 “主创造了大地以供人居住;他也创造他的儿女以拥有大地。” 我们必须承认我们所有一切的来源就是因为神,我们慈爱在天上的父亲,让我们有这个机会。当我们发现神在我们生活中的手,我们会自然地被他无限的爱而谦卑
谦逊。遵守诫命的关键是愿意去屈服于神的旨意。我们要有信心和谦虚的了解神的旨意比我们个人的想法更伟大、更有智慧。神命令我们「 凡事都要感謝主你的神。」(教约59:7)。所以,我们需要軟化我们的心并承认祂,因为「 除了不承認神能主宰一切、不服從祂的誡命以外,人不會觸犯神,祂的憤怒也不會對任何人燃起。」(教約59:21)。当我们相信神和谦卑自己,打开心胸并接 受祂,我们就能踏上在「处于任何情况都能心怀感恩之路」之上。「真正的感恩是希望和見證的表現。這樣的感恩源自於承認我們不見得能明白生命中為何有種種考 驗,但我們相信,總有一天我們會了解。」(邬希铎会长 - 在任何情況下都心懷感恩)
信心和决心。最终,我们每人都需要运用信心往前闯。即使当我们建立处于任何情况都能心怀感恩的能力,成功都不会马上出现。这其实是一个过程,就像建立基督 般的品格不会使我们有立即的举足轻重的作用。要达到目的的方法是透过坚持不懈的自我提醒,习惯性的祈祷和倾听圣灵的指引。
当我们做这些事时我们就可以建立一种感恩之心,还有苦中作乐的能力。邬希铎会长教导:「對天父懷著感恩之心會擴大我們的悟性,讓我們看得更清楚。這會帶來 謙卑的心,讓我們能懷著同理心來看待人類同胞和神所造的萬物。感恩是一切基督般品格的催化劑!感恩之心是一切美德之母。」我们踏上基督般的的旅程始于感恩 之心。无论以后前路有多艰难,当你以信心前进,你就会慢慢在生活中辨认出神的大能并能处于任何情况都能心怀感恩。
A season of gratitude
As Thanksgiving
comes and goes around again we are reminded of all of the things we are
grateful for in life. As we come together with friends and family and enjoy
each others presence, we celebrate a years worth of blessings and opportunities
had and we look forward to what will come next year. We remember and count all
our many blessings and express gratitude for those things we are thankful for.
But our gratitude need not be limited only to one season of the year, on the
contrary we should be showing our gratitude all year round. President Dieter F.
Uchtdorf recently counseled all of us on this spirit of thanksgiving saying,
"Could I suggest that we see gratitude as a disposition, a way of life
that stands independent of our current situation? In other words, I’m
suggesting that instead of being thankful for things, we focus on being
thankful in our circumstances—whatever they may be." May we discuss for a
minute about how we can develop an ability to be grateful in our circumstances.
Recognition. We must start from the very beginning. How did we even get
to have this life on earth in the first place? Our loving heavenly Father sent
us here so that we can learn and grow. 1 Nephi 17:36 teaches us that "the
Lord hath created the earth that it should be inhabited; and he hath created
his children that they should possess it." We must recognize that
everything we have comes because God, our loving father in heaven, has allowed
us to have this opportunity. When we recognize God's hand in our lives we
cannot help but be humbled by his infinite love for us.
Humility. The key part of keeping any commandment is being willing to
succumb to God's will. Faithfully and humbly acknowledging that God's will is
higher than ours. God has commanded us that "Thou shalt thank the Lord thy
God in all things." (See D&C 59:7). So we must soften our hearts and
acknowledge Him, because "in nothing doth man offend God, or against none
is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and
obey not his commandments." (See D&C 59:21). As we trust God and
humble ourselves, open up our hearts and do His will, we move forward on the
road to being grateful in any circumstance. "True gratitude is an
expression of hope and testimony. It comes from acknowledging that we do not
always understand the trials of life but trusting that one day we will."
(President Uchtdorf, Grateful in any Circumstances)
Faith and determination. Finally, we must press forward with faith. As
we strive to develop the ability to be grateful in any circumstances we will
not have immediate success. Much like developing all Christlike attributes we
won't instantly change, it is a process. The way to attain your goal is by
continual reflection and remembrance of where you want to be, continual prayer
and continually listening to the Holy Ghost's guidance.
As we do these things we will be able to develop a
true attitude of gratitude, or an ability to be grateful in any circumstances.
President Uchtdorf said "Gratitude to our Father in Heaven broadens our
perception and clears our vision. It inspires humility and fosters empathy
toward our fellowmen and all of God’s creation. Gratitude is a catalyst to all
Christlike attributes! A thankful heart is the parent of all virtues."
Gratitude is just the beginning of our journey to becoming like Christ. As you
walk in faith, recognizing God's hand in your life you will slowly but surely
be able to be grateful in any circumstances, regardless of what they may be.
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