Tuesday, January 28, 2014

匿名 Anonymous


I met the missionaries from our church on a Sunday afternoon in 2012. They brought me to church to take a look and hoped that I could come the following Sunday. After giving me many chances, they taught me how to pray and to say 'In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. From that moment, my life started to change slowly.
My past circumstances were not good. Before coming to the USA, I faced emotional setbacks in China after my three year relationship with my girlfriend ended. I gave up on my studies, even though I only had one more year of school left in order graduate. My mother told me this, "This is God's arrangement. Believe in yourself that there will be a better future." Thus, I came to the USA. But not long later, I faced cultural shock. because American and Chinese cultures are so different, I was not able to adapt and had a lot of pressure.
Ever since the sister missionaries taught me about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I slowly started to feel peace and blessing in my life. Those two missionaries are angels that Heavenly Father sent to share his word. I have learned a lot from them. I started to see changes in myself. I was able to adapt to the environment in the USA very quickly and many other things started to go smoothly. The gospel is just like a compass. Much like the compass Heavenly Father gave Lehi, you need to have faith in him and obey his commandments in order for it to work. I am grateful for the gospel as it is guiding me in the right direction. All these things are true, In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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